Monday Homework

Spelling – Lesson 18 Post Test (Thurs)

Home Reading (Tue)

Religion- Ch. 2 Quiz (Wed)

Mandarin- practice songs

Math- Quest on division (Fri)

**Special Reminders

Speech Arts- Feb 6th and 7th

FSA- Weeks- 6-17th – Pls be present during this time!

Birds of Prey- O.W.L. Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society

Today the Grade 4’s had a special opportunity to learn about Birds of Prey, and more specifically, about Raptors.  This group includes eagles, falcons, hawks, ospreys, owls, and vultures.  The students learned how important these birds are in maintaining a healthy ecosystem and ways we can protect these birds and their habitats.

We met two beautiful birds today- Katie, a female American Kestrel and Alba, a male Barn Owl.  It was an amazing and educational experience!


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Monday Homework

Spelling – Post Test  Lesson 17 (Thurs)

Math 4.1 – pg. 119, 120, 121, 122 (Tue)

Mandarin- practice song

P.E.Tmrw- bring gym strip

**Special Reminders

CNY form and $3.00

PJ Day and Movie Day Tmrw! 🙂