Takoyaki selling on playground this Bazaar, Saturday

Dear all,
​we are going to make and offer fresh and hot Takoyaki (章魚燒), octopus balls and shrimp balls (蝦仁燒) on the playground,. We sold it for the first time three years ago. Our tasty food and ​service amazed many customers. Therefore, people kept requesting for the stand to be brought back.
 Some weekends have been spent on planning and preparing. Finally, we are ready to sell Takoyaki again this bazaar. All t​he proceeds will go to support the parish as fundraising income.​ You are welcome to stop by and to have a try​ if you are interested​. Thank you!

Please find attached, some pictures taken while perfecting our Takoyaki recipe at home the other day. Hope to see you there!

God bless
Hsu Laoshi

====================== 好消息 與您分享 ==================

週六教堂籌款義賣會吃得到日式章魚燒-Takoyaki 和 蝦仁燒。



許老師邀請您闔家光臨 : )


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