Story time with parents and Mr. Huser at 9 am then hot chocolate and cookies to follow.
They have been working every hard for 6 weeks and I look forward to them sharing them with you!
Mandarin- cut 12 words and copy on worksheet. countdown tomorrow
4L S.LeRose
Story time with parents and Mr. Huser at 9 am then hot chocolate and cookies to follow.
They have been working every hard for 6 weeks and I look forward to them sharing them with you!
Mandarin- cut 12 words and copy on worksheet. countdown tomorrow
Math- Jump math 4.2 pg. 204,205,206,207
French – 1-worksheet p.3,4,5,6 (Fri)
2- cahier p.3,5,6A,10 (Fri)
Mandarin- bring 4 items for Mandarin class
Stories- finish typing up title page (we will add illustrations tomorrow), about the author, and story.
Bring $2 for hot chocolate and cookies tomorrow as I need to go shopping for the snacks tomorrow after work
** we had a tough day with our behaviour in French and PE and while practicing for our class mass. We completed a self- reflection at the end of the day with something positive and something negative so they can be aware of what went wrong but also that we have many positive things to focus on.
Math 4.2 pg. 201,202,203
Mandarin – bring Chinese newspaper
Stories- type and print out title page, about the author, and story. We will glue illustrations on tomorrow or Wednesday.
please e-mail me their stories if you are unable to print it out and I can
We practiced for our mass today. If your child has a speaking part, please have them practice reading every night this week.
French – worksheet p. 1 & 2 (Tuesday)
Stories- students saved their stories onto their USB’s today and will bring them home.
They are to format their story: -Check for mistakes- make corrections
-Leave spaces to dd pictures
– make sure every time the speaker switches you start a new line!
-we used James and the Giant Peach for an example in class but they also went oer
this with Mr.Huser
Next, add a title page with the name of the story and their name (they created pictures with Mr. Huser to add on next week)
be creative with size and font for your title but be sure to include your name!!
Next, create an about the Author page – see examples below or create your own. We worked on ideas and rough draft in class after PE.
any questions please e-mail
I apologize for not posting as I have been sick
Mr. Huser came today to teach us about illustrating. The students were busy drawing, colouring, and painting pictures for their title page as well as for throughout their story. For tomorrow please make sure your child has their USB so they can save their story onto it. This weekend they will need to finish typing, making corrections, and formatting their stories (new line for everyone that speaks).
Also, for Monday please send your child with a photo of themselves for their About the Author page.
We will be discussing About the Author page tomorrow then that along with a title page and the good copy of their story will be due Monday. We will be cutting and pasting pictures on Monday/Tuesday so they are all finished Wednesday and ready for presentation on Thursday morning at 9 am.
Please send in the $2 for hot chocolate and cookies as I will be purchasing all this early next week.
Thank you to all those who have 🙂
Any questions about our story reading next Thursday please e-mail me
We also have our class mass next Friday December 2 so we will be practicing all week. Its a special feast day mass and we have 2 students speaking in Mandarin and 1 in French!
Thanks, Ms. LeRose
Socials studies- treasure map due Monday – follow instructions and criteria page
PE tomorrow
Special reminder – $2 for hot chocolate and cookies
Finish editing story- we are typing up draft tomorrow. BRING a picture if you want to help you with illustrations Thursday!
Math tests handed back (I missed a couple people so will give to them Monday) – Please sign and return
We concluded our number sense unit, however we still need to review rounding and keep working on multiplication but we will get there!
French booklet Tuesday
Read 20 mins – hand in reading log anytime next week to be checked
Reminder to bring a box of tissue in if you haven’t yet and $20 for extra supplies for art and science etc.
I have sent home a letter with your time for parent -teacher conferences (Dec 9) please fill out and send back the bottom portion or e-mail me with any questions or concerns.
Thank you!
After 3 weeks of our guided meditation in class, the students are showing great progress in being able to control their breathing and bodies. We will continue this practice and have also added self reflections so they are able to be aware of their feeling and how they change throughout the day.
I am so very proud of them all 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend !
Math – we had our test today – students are learning to be independent test takers by reading through all the instructions and paying attention to key words as well as checking over every question when they are finished so they can try and catch any mistakes.
Part of the test was on money and making change, encourage your child to help you make change the next time your at the store.
Mr. Huser was back today for our Author in Residence Workshop. Everyone finished their first draft of their story. For his next visit on Thursday November 24th we have lots of work to do! Students will be completing and revising their story. The stories will also need to be edited for spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
**PARENT VOLUNTEERS ** if anyone is available to come in next week and help edit stories you are most welcome.
please e-mail me at
We will also be having extra computer time for the students to type their stories.
For Thursday we will have edited and types stories ready for them to start illustrating 🙂
***REMINDER** December 1st ALL parents are invited to hear their child’s finished stories and to enjoy some cookies and hot chocolate with us 🙂
Math test tomorrow based on pages 61-96
Read 15-20 mins
We have Mr. Huser coming in again tomorrow, reminder lunch is 11:45-12:15
Math- Pg 71-75 **TEST moved to Thursday**
no spelling this week
Mandarin – finish worksheet 1-10, Remember ‘Begin & ending’ part
Last day for photo orders tomorrow
work on Mr. Huser story – need to be finished in class with him Thursday
**sadly there was no rain or wind when we went to try our weather instruments but we left the rain gauge outside and will keep checking !!