Monday homework

Spelling lesson 26 Due Thursday

Language Arts- good copy of acrostic poem (tomorrow)

French – pg 11,12,13,14 tomorrow

mandarin- spring break persentation

Reading Log- (Monday)

Text predictions (Monday)

Field trip to Bistro next Wednesday, please bring in forms ASAP with $23


Friday reminders

Class, Club and Team PHOTOS MONDAY!!!

Thank you to everyone who will be able to drive for the upcoming field trip!

Purple permission forms went home today for the field trip on Thursday May 4th to the Salmon n’ Bannock Bistro.  We will be departing the school at 11:00 am so parent drivers please be here and ready by 10:45 am. More information to follow next week.

Please bring $23 and signed form by next Wednesday. Please note the $23 includes their meal, tax, and tip already so the students do not need to bring any money with them on the day.


MATH tests also were sent home today from our fractions unit. Please sign and return on Monday.

French- Cahier page 11,12,13,14 (Tuesday)

Tomorrow is Earth Day – students wrote pledges today on hands and we made an earth on our door. I will be checking in on Monday to see how many people have started their pledge! Some students ideas included planting wild flowers to help save the bees to taking shorter showers to save water.
Great ideas!

We have also just finished out Haiku poems. They will be posted next week so please come by and see!


Enjoy the sunshine with your families <3

Tuesday homework

Spelling lesson 25 (Post test and lesson due Thursday)

Language Arts- Haiku on The Storm and topic for tomorrow to write our own Haiku

4L students will be eating lunch- during music at 10:45-11:15
Students who are having PTA hot lunch will be able to eat their pizza when we get back to the school- sadly it wont be here on time

Bus leaves at 11:30pm
We leave Maritime Museum at 2:00pm

French- define vocabulary words #4

Mandarin- practice “Spring Break” ROLE PLAY presentation

Tuesday homework

Math- fractions test tomorrow – use jump math 4.2 to study or practice booklet I handed out last week.

Spelling lessons 19-23 review test tomorrow

I am still in need of parent drivers for the may 4th field trip to the Salmon and Bannock restaurant (1128 west broadway)

Today’s art was inspired by Matisse and had an Easter influence on it.

Monday homework

Salmon and Bannock restaurant field trip form will be coming home, thank you for your menu choices. I am in need of parent drivers as no bus was available. It is May 4th 11-2

Math- up to pages 249- 252- fractions test Wednesday morning

Reading log- Due next tuesday (5 entries)

Spelling review lesson- surprise test Wednesday

Mandarin- practice spring break roll play presentation


Friday homework

Vancouver Maritime Museum field trip April 19

Light energy workshop April 20 at 12:30 (we will eat lunch at 11:45-12)

Text predictions reading comprehension worksheet due Monday (no late ones excepted)

Math test on fractions – Thursday – practice booklets were given out yesterday


Thursday homework

Math this week- pages 241-249 in Jump Math 4.2

Text predictions reading comprehension sheet (Monday)

Light energy (Monday)

Mandarin- practice reading (add ping yin on it)

We had our Sound workshop today where the students learned about vibrations and wave length and made their own wind flute to take home.


April Newsletter

Spring is Here!

April Newsletter from Grade 4

Dear Parents,

We hope that this newsletter finds you well. It is hard to believe that we are beginning term three. Where has the time gone? Thank you for attending the Student-led Conferences. We hope that you enjoyed sharing all of your child’s successes’ The Grade 4 students have all worked hard during the first and second terms and now the last term awaits them. Again we would like to thank you for your support in your child’s learning.

Language Arts:

This term we will be continuing with Adrienne Gear’s Writing Power alongside a poetry unit where we will explore various forms of this writing style.

Social Studies

Now that we have finished studying the First Nations Peoples we will be investigating the early exploration of the Canadian Arctic. We will also be studying the first Canadian explorers and their impact on the Aboriginal Peoples. Students are encouraged to go to their local public libraries and find information about Canadian explorers.


Just a reminder that we are still in the Lenten season and we hope that our students are following their Lenten promises. It continues to be a time of prayer, reflection, fasting, and penance.


Please remember to keep signing your child’s agenda.

Send healthy snacks to school,

  • April 13 Holy Thursday (noon dismissal)
  • April 14 Good Friday (no school)
  • April 17 Easter Monday (no school)
  • April 6   Sound Workshop
  • April 20 Light Workshop
  • April 12 Maritime Museum (4C)
  • April 19 Maritime Museum (4L)
  • April 28 No School – Professional Day

Have a wonderful day,

Ms. S. Chong and Ms. S. LeRose

Science Workshops

Hello Parents,

Here is some more information about the Science workshops that are happening this month.

Sounds Like Fun- April 6th at 12:30

This workshop is provided by High Touch- High Tech scientists.  This workshop will engage students in learning about the properties of sound.  Sound is a form of energy!  Hands on activities and discussion periods will be provided.

The Power of Light- April 20th at 12:30

This will be an extension of the Sound energy workshop.  The properties of Light will be explored through experiments and hands on activities with the High Touch scientists.  Students will learn that energy can be transformed.

Vancouver Maritime Museum Field Trip

On April 19th, the students are invited to attend the Maritime Museum field trip.  The students will learn what it takes to be a successful Arctic explorer.  They will learn about the early explorers of the Canadian Northwest Passage through the Arctic.  They will also learn about Canada’s early role in policing the Arctic and servicing the communities living in the Canadian Arctic. This program will take place on board and around the RCMP vessel St. Roch, which is located inside the Museum.  The students will be touring the ship to learn what life was like on board a ship traveling in the Arctic waters and learn about the different parts of the ship.

Trained education volunteers lead small groups of students through hands- on and participatory activities designed to stimulate creative and critical thinking.

Please ensure that your child is appropriately dressed on the day of the field trip in the school P.E. sweat suit and running shoes, as there will be a climbing activity involved in this program.