Math pages 26-29
Bring USB for Tuesday
Reading log Monday
Bring biography book that you took out in library on Monday
Michelle’s Riddle of the week-
Question- What has a heart but no other organs?
Answer- A deck of cards !
4L S.LeRose
Math pages 26-29
Bring USB for Tuesday
Reading log Monday
Bring biography book that you took out in library on Monday
Michelle’s Riddle of the week-
Question- What has a heart but no other organs?
Answer- A deck of cards !
Reading Log- 4 boxes due Monday
S.S. Title page due tomorrow
L.A. Good copy of summer comic strip tomorrow
Mandarin- Monday
Science- 5 questions on sound energy due tomorrow
Math- pg. 22-25 on Place Value – new vocab we learned (Digit, Value) as well as reviewing place value
Spelling test on lesson 3 tomorrow and pages in their workbook
Special reminder the workshop on Sound Energy is tomorrow and student will not be able to participate unless they have a signed permission slip. Please e-mail me if you have any questions. I am still missing a few.
Walk-a-thon – please continue to hand in your forms to the office
Comfort packs – Just a reminder to create a comfort pack for your child, including a photo, important information on the back, a card or letter as well as a small toy or deck of cards.
Social Studies Title Page due Friday
Language Arts Summer Comic strip (GOOD COPY) due Friday
Continue Reading Log – 4 boxes completed and handed in on Monday
Spelling words for tomorrows test
Picture Day tomorrow
PE tomorrow- bring uniform to change back into for picture day
Reading Log- complete 4 out of 5 boxes for Monday- read 20 mins each night
Social Studies Title page due Friday
Language Arts- summer comic strip due Friday
Spelling lesson 3 test Thursday
Indoor dismissal next 3 days for Book Fair
Our class will attend together on Thursday and Friday
Workshop on Sound Energy Thursday morning- please bring signed permission slip to be able to attend.
Spelling lesson 3 and test Thursday (Check student book for words- I will post tomorrow)
Math test tomorrow on pages 1-21
Religion test on chapter 1 tomorrow
French worksheets (WED)
$60 for this terms workshops and fieldtrips
Permission slip for Sound Energy workshop ASAP
Book Fair starts Wednesday, it will be indoor dismissal, our class will be visiting Thursday and Friday during school time.
Math test on pages 1-21 Tuesday
-Students received a practice test today, I have marked all completed questions, please have students finish the ones they didn’t complete in class for extra practice. We will be reviewing this practice test and other questions Monday to prepare for our test on Tuesday.
Religion- Chapter 1 test Tuesday on God’s Providence
Mandarin – Study key words for test on Monday
French- define vocabulary words, define vocabulary sheet, and complete word search worksheet (Monday)
Reading Log- Please have reading log signed and ready to hand in Monday morning. 1 box per day (Monday to Friday)
Permission slips went home today for the Sound Energy workshop in class on Thursday September 28th. Please sign and bring back ASAP.
Thank you to those who already handed in this terms money for workshops and field trips. If you have any questions please e-mail me.
Have a wonderful weekend 🙂
-Miss. LeRose
Spelling lesson 1 test tomorrow and lesson 1 work is also due tomorrow
French- 1. define vocabulary words #2 (Monday)
2. define vocabulary sheet (Monday)
3. word search worksheet pg.1 (Monday)
Mandarin- bring erase marker
no math homework tonight- we will be going over this weeks homework tomorrow and Friday
French worksheet due tomorrow
Math pages 20-21
Mandarin- Finish Pinyin & meaning of word practice
Continue studying for spelling test on lesson 1 – Thursday
Reading every night for 20 minutes and compete 1 box in reading log sheets
Thank you all for your support for Terry Fox spirit day today!!
September 28th is a in class workshop for Sound Energy- please expect the permission slip by the end of the week
Special Reminder- Spirit day tomorrow
bring $2 and wear casual clothes, bring $4 and wear casual clothes, also get popcorn and movie.
TIP** focus on your work that has the closest due date to make sure you get it all completed.
Math pages 16-19 (TMRW)
French- worksheet pg. 32-35 (WED)
R.L. 1 box per weekday night (1 on Monday night after reading for 20 mins, 1 on Tues, 1 on Wed, 1 on Thurs, 1 on Fri) – Hand in every Monday to be checked
Spelling- Lesson 1 workbook and test (Thurs) – I will try and always post words(they are in the orange workbook as well)
Hot Lunch orders can now be places online
Math – pages 8,9,10
Spelling lesson 2 work and test tomorrow
Science title page for ENERGY unit due Monday