Wednesday Homework

apologies, the blog has been down since last Friday but it is working again!

Spelling this week is a review lesson- the post test will be 20 words from lessons 1-5 and they will be a surprise.

We have now completed FSA Math and will resume Jump Math. Pages 50-55 tonight

Science- we have finished Energy and are moving on to senses and how we perceive the world.

Socials- We continue to work in class on our treasure maps which include all the map skills they have learned (grid, scale, direction, legend, as well as linking with L.A. when writing clues for someone to find the treasure)

Special Dates** Halloween Parade and Grade 4 Halloween party next Tuesday,
Grade 4 Sunday Mass will be on November 5th at SFX Parish at 11:00am,
4L Friday Mass is November 24th at 9:05 am at SFX Parish,
Glen Huser’s first visit will be November 2nd and 3rd,
There will be a celebration of Writing on Thursday November 30th at 9 am in 4L where parents are invited to come and listen to their child’s story.
Restaurant Field trip November 21

Tuesday Homework

Book orders tomorrow

Mandarin tomorrow

French tomorrow

NO PE tomorrow- Mass at 9 am

Science corrections tomorrow

Coding- Monday

Thursday homework

Math pages 45-47

Science light energy colouring sheet and energy dictionary due monday

Reading log due Tuesday

PE- mon

French- mon

Mandarin- Mon

Coding- Mon

S.S. map booklet Tues

Wednesday homework

Light Energy worksheet tomorrow

Light Energy workshop at 9:00 am tomorrow

We finished practicing for FSA Math section and will move onto English and very soon be completing them.

Reading Log sent back home today, please have your child read every night for 20 mins and complete a box in their reading log followed up by your signature.

Social Studies Mapping booklet completed by next Tuesday. We are starting our final map project before moving on to a new unit. If your child wishes to make the paper look distressed or have any effect done to it this will have to be done at home. We will work on the map in class time but may have to be completed at home.

No Spelling this week

October Newsletter

Dear Parents,


We hope that this newsletter finds you all well and enjoying the early days of Fall.  As we head into October, we have observed that the grade 4 students are adjusting well to the expectations for the intermediate students. We have worked on morning routines with them, what active listening looks like and how to be prepared for each of their classes with the correct materials. We have also expressed the importance of keeping their personal belongings neat and organized.


In Language Arts we are working on our writing and reading skills. We have talked about “What do good readers and writers do”.  When we read our novels, poems or information text we use these 5 skills:

  1. We ask questions before , during and after we read
  2. We make connections to the world, to ourselves and to other books
  3. We visualize (which means we create pictures in our mind)
  4. We transform our thinking while we read
  5. We make inferences (which means we look for the clues that the author leaves for us)


A few important dates to add to your calendars:

  • October 12th a Science workshop about Light will be presented in the classroom
  • October 20th is a Professional Development Day for teachers (no school for students)
  • October 27th is Parent Teacher interviews. Please check your appointment time
  • October 31st is the Halloween Costume Parade, starting at 1:00pm
  • FSA administration will be all month. Please refrain from taking vacation time during this time.


We ask that you please check your child’s agenda and initial it each school night. This will help your child’s organizational skills and will promote good communication between home and the school.


Thank you for your cooperation and participation in your child’s learning.


Mrs. S. Snyder

Miss. S. LeRose

Grade 4 Teachers


Today’s homework is to read for 20-40 mins and have French ready for tomorrow that Mr. B assigned last Wednesday.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving 🙂



Thursday homework

Walk-a-thon tomorrow Rain or Shine so please come dressed for the weather (No umbrella’s if it is raining, please bring a rain jacket)

DUE TOMORROW- signed math and religion tests with corrections

DUE TUESDAY- Reading Log with 4/5 boxes complete

DUE TUESDAY- Science Light and Sound energy worksheets

PE homework and Coding homework Due October 16 (Please talk to their specialist teaching about these if you have any questions)


Math pages 38-42 (TMRW)

Math test signed and corrections done on lined paper by Friday

Spelling lesson 4 tomorrow

L.A. Paragraph of choice on page 5 or 6 tomorrow

Religion- sign test and return Friday

Coding- lesson 2 riddle #5 (Oct 16)

Science Light energy worksheet (Tues)

Mandarin- Tomorrow

French- Worksheet (WED)

PE homework on healthy eating Due Oct 16


Michelle’s Riddle of the Week:

What did the angry electron say when we was repelled ?

Answer: Let me ATOM (at him)

Mr. M got called away today so please keep the USB at school and hopefully we will have a computer lesson soon on how to use a USB.

Thank you for all the ROUND treats! Today’s moon festival party was great! No Mandarin homework tonight!

Math– pages 33-37 (most students completed up to page 35 or 36 in class) due tomorrow

Language Arts – Worksheet 5/6 – choose 1 side and complete the paragraph (Due Thursday)

Reading Log– new sheet with 5 boxes – please complete 4 by Monday (Hand in R.L. every Monday)

French – identify number 40-100 by tomorrow

Math test sent home today – Sign and complete corrections on a separate lined piece of paper by Friday.

Spelling- lesson 4 post-test Thursday – have workbook in class ready to be marked Thursday

**Special Reminder**

October 6- Walk-a-thon
October 9 No School (Thanksgiving)
October 12 -Light Energy Workshop
November will be our field trip to Salmon n’ Bannock (I will be sending home a permission slip soon)




Monday Homework

Math- pages 30,31,32 (TOMORROW)

USB- tomorrow

Mandarin – round party tomorrow

French- #’s 40-100 (WED)

P.E.- worksheet due in 2 weeks (MON)

I will hand out marked math tests, marked religion tests, and new Reading Log sheets tomorrow.

Spelling lesson 4 Thursday

  1. edge
  2. common
  3. cricle
  4. cactus
  5. gifts
  6. gentle
  7. stage
  8. strange
  9. corner
  10. graceful
  11. center
  12. baggage
  13. category
  14. gerbil
  15. cement
  16. prices
  17. force
  18. celery
  19. decide
  20. energy