apologies, the blog has been down since last Friday but it is working again!
Spelling this week is a review lesson- the post test will be 20 words from lessons 1-5 and they will be a surprise.
We have now completed FSA Math and will resume Jump Math. Pages 50-55 tonight
Science- we have finished Energy and are moving on to senses and how we perceive the world.
Socials- We continue to work in class on our treasure maps which include all the map skills they have learned (grid, scale, direction, legend, as well as linking with L.A. when writing clues for someone to find the treasure)
Special Dates** Halloween Parade and Grade 4 Halloween party next Tuesday,
Grade 4 Sunday Mass will be on November 5th at SFX Parish at 11:00am,
4L Friday Mass is November 24th at 9:05 am at SFX Parish,
Glen Huser’s first visit will be November 2nd and 3rd,
There will be a celebration of Writing on Thursday November 30th at 9 am in 4L where parents are invited to come and listen to their child’s story.
Restaurant Field trip November 21