Monday Homework

Spelling lesson 9 Thursday

Math test sent home today, sign and correct (on separate lined paper) due Thursday

Rube Goldberg Project- bring materials you have been collecting on Wednesday

FIELD TRIP tomorrow!! – don’t bring a lunch

parent volunteers please meet in lobby at 11:30am, bus will be leaving at 11:45am, we will be leaving restaurant at 2:00pm and arrive at school around 2:15pm

S.S. treasure maps due TOMORROW

Religion- we are continuing with our saints projects

L.A.- We are finishing up typing our Wish stories- Friday we will be starting our illustrations and next Thursday the 30th at 9 am we invite all parents to our Wish story fair followed by hot chocolate and treats. If anyone would like to bring some treats such as cupcakes, muffins, cookies etc please feel free! I will be baking banana bread. Please remember no nuts!

Have a wonderful evening 🙂