February Newsletter

February Grade 4 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We hope that this newsletter finds you all well. February is busy month for our grade 4 students, but they are up for the challenge!!

Social Studies:

We continue to learn about the First Nations culture. We will be also learning about the West Coast First Nations Peoples and other Aboriginal peoples in British Columbia. Again, we will examine their ways of life. We will look at food, clothing, shelter, transportation, government and religious beliefs.  We are looking forward to the Full Circle First Nations Performance on February 2nd, 2018.

Students are working on finishing their Menu’s for their own Coast Salish Restaurants.


As part of our science unit on Biomes, the students will be attending the Wet Lab workshop on February 1st, 2018 at the Vancouver Aquarium. The students will learn about animal adaptations, local marine ecosystems, and about the complex issues of marine debris. As a conclusion to our Biomes unit, students will be creating a Biomes Travel Guide.

Dates to remember:

  1. February 1 Field Trip to the Vancouver Aquarium (Leave school 9 am back at 2pm)
  2. February 2 Full Circle First Nations Performance (1pm-2pm)
  3. February 8-9 Catholic Educators Conference(no school)
  4. February 12 Family Day (no school-go out and do something fun as a family)
  5. February 13, 15, 27 School wide Dance Workshop

Thank you to all the parent volunteers who continue to help us in the classroom. We appreciate all that you do. God bless!



Mrs. S. Snyder and Miss S. LeRose


Monday Homework

Spelling lesson 17 and test Thursday

Math Test – multiplication and division – Wednesday

Aquarium field trip Thursday leaving school at 9 am- arriving back at 2pm

**If you are volunteering, please be at school for 8:45 am in school lobby area.

PE – Draw and label Badminton court Due Wednesday

Coding- complete lesson 9

Mandarin- prepare supplies

French  worksheet Wednesday

$1 donation for First Peoples workshop Friday 1-2 pm

Friday homework

Make sure math is complete pages 200-214 in Jump Mat 4.2 (it’s overdue)

Language power 18-22 we will be marking next week

Continue practicing multiplication – try www.multiplication.com
Students were handed a review booklet and can take it home next week to start studying at home.



-information for Speech Arts – In school date is Feb 6

-the 3 categories are bible reading (NOT memorized)- I have handed out the 3 options to students who wanted the, poetry (memorized), speech (persuasive -memorize)

-Field trip this Thursday Feb 1 to Aquarium. If you volunteered please look out for an e-mail or note in child’s planner. I am able to pay for 4 people’s fees for entrance and take on the bus with us, the other 6 parents are encouraged to still join us but will have to cover their own cost and can carpool with each other. I am happy to give out PPP hours for all parents who come. Please email me with any questions.


Tuesday homework

Math from yesterday and today is pages 208-214

language power pages 18-19 (lessons a & b) and review pages 20-22including K

Mandarin due tomorrow

No PE tomorrow, PE will be moves to Friday afternoon at 2:10-2:50 so please wear full uniform and bring gym strip for Friday

WEAR FULL UNIFORM TOMORROW- mass for St. Francis Xavier Relic tomorrow 9 am – students will be picked up at 8:30 am in the gym

Please continue to bring in permission forms for Feb 1 field trip to Aquarium

Thank you for overwhelming numbers of volunteers. I sadly cannot bring all of you. 4 adults are included in students price. If anyone has a pass they are welcome to come. The bus will also not fit too many extra adults. I will send an e-mail soon to the 4 parents who are selected, and the others are welcome to come via car and paying their own way.  Any questions please e-mail.

Reminder school is out at 2:30 pm tomorrow, no Chinese School or Mad Science.

Thank you

Miss. LeRose

Friday homework

Math pages 206-208 (Almost all finished in class as we had 25 minutes to work on it)

Language Arts- Visualization worksheet due Tuesday

I will be away Monday for a workshop but back Tuesday.

Feb 1 permission form for Aquarium was sent home yesterday, please hand in by Tues/Wed next week.

-Have a wonderful weekend

Thursday Homework

A special thank you for those who joined us on our field trip today. If you haven’t checked out the Fraser Discovery Centre in New West please do so with your family (especially on a sunny day) so you can also enjoy a walk along the river and experience the Market.

Math- Jump Math 4.2 pages 202,203,204,205

Book Orders Due tomorrow

Mass tomorrow

L.A. visualization worksheet due Tuesday


Wednesday homework

Spelling lesson 15 test tomorrow

L.A. visualization worksheet Tuesday

Field trip tomorrow

bus leaves at 9 am- bring snack and water bottle and weather appropriate clothes- first 10 minutes is outside as well if we are early we will be outside.

Book orders due Friday


Rube Goldberg Projects

The grade 4L demonstrated their understanding of the different forms of energy by constructing their own Rube Goldberg Machine.  A Rube Goldberg machine is a deliberately complex contraption in which a series of devices that perform simple tasks are linked together.  Though some of the machines were unable to complete the final task during filming; the grade 4 students showed creativity, effort, initiative, and perseverance.  Well done 4L!!!

can you find yours?

Who’s was your favourite?

Tuesday Homework

Spelling lesson 15 work and test – Thursday

Language Arts- Visualization worksheet- draw and colour favourite part of story that you pictured, write about your choice, whats the book? who’s the author? what made you visualize this part? how does this part make you feel? anything you want to tell me about what you visualized. DUE TUESDAY

Practice your multiplication with www.multiplication.com play games as practice – we will be doing the quizes to earn more Ninja Belts. Ask your child about ninja belts!

Book Orders due Friday

Field trip Thursday – leave at 9 am- bring snack in a container or bag (student will carry in pocket or I will have in my backpack- please label with name)

Dress for weather! it may be raining and the field trip starts outside along the Fraser River – jacket with hood and footwear that’s good for walking outside. Any questions please e-mail me.
We will eat lunch when we are back around 12:30