February Newsletter

February Grade 4 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We hope that this newsletter finds you all well. February is busy month for our grade 4 students, but they are up for the challenge!!

Social Studies:

We continue to learn about the First Nations culture. We will be also learning about the West Coast First Nations Peoples and other Aboriginal peoples in British Columbia. Again, we will examine their ways of life. We will look at food, clothing, shelter, transportation, government and religious beliefs.  We are looking forward to the Full Circle First Nations Performance on February 2nd, 2018.

Students are working on finishing their Menu’s for their own Coast Salish Restaurants.


As part of our science unit on Biomes, the students will be attending the Wet Lab workshop on February 1st, 2018 at the Vancouver Aquarium. The students will learn about animal adaptations, local marine ecosystems, and about the complex issues of marine debris. As a conclusion to our Biomes unit, students will be creating a Biomes Travel Guide.

Dates to remember:

  1. February 1 Field Trip to the Vancouver Aquarium (Leave school 9 am back at 2pm)
  2. February 2 Full Circle First Nations Performance (1pm-2pm)
  3. February 8-9 Catholic Educators Conference(no school)
  4. February 12 Family Day (no school-go out and do something fun as a family)
  5. February 13, 15, 27 School wide Dance Workshop

Thank you to all the parent volunteers who continue to help us in the classroom. We appreciate all that you do. God bless!



Mrs. S. Snyder and Miss S. LeRose