Dear Parents,
We hope you had a wonderful, blessed and relaxing Christmas break with your loved ones. Happy New Year to all of you! We hope that 2018 brings you much joy, peace, love, good health and fun adventures. We are now into term two and the Grade 4’s are eager to begin working hard.
- Social Studies:
This term we will be studying the lives and culture of the First Nations Peoples. We will be using the information from our Social Studies textbook, from computer research, and from our class field trips. In addition, students are encouraged to go to their local public library to borrow information texts about the First Nations Peoples. These will help them find facts and revisit the elements found in an information text. These elements being: index, glossary, captions with pictures, photographs, maps, glossary, bolded words, factual information, and the table of contents. It is important that the students know how to read an information text and how to locate information. The main branches of any library (e.g. Vancouver, Burnaby or Richmond) will have a good selection of books.
- Science: Biomes, Habitats, and Communities:
In Science we will be learning about the five major types of biomes: forests, grasslands, desert, tundra, and aquatic. Students will be learning terms such as: habitat, community, herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. They will also be able to construct and explain the elements of a simple food chain. Again, students are invited to find information books about different animals and bring them into the classroom to share.
- Field Trip Payment
The term two field trip payment notice has been sent home. Please submit a cheque for $38.00, payable to Saint Francis School, with your child’s name clearly labeled.
**Please note these corrections to the field trip dates:
Trading Post: Thursday, January 18th, 2018
Wet Lab: Thursday, February 1st, 2018
We apologize for any confusion this has caused.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in your child’s learning.
Mrs. Sophie Snyder and Miss Sarah LeRose