Tuesday Homework

Spelling lesson 20 and test Thursday

Math 4.1 pages 80-82

Math- Long Division Test Thursday

Reading Log- new sheet handed out Mondays – hand back into teacher on Friday

Language Power – lessons 13 and 14

Dance workshop Thursday at lunch recess and at 2:50 with whole school

Mandarin- Please make sure your child has a working dry erase marker in school

Tuesday Homework

S.S. Housing worksheet due tomorrow

spelling lesson 19 ad test Thursday

Science Biome travel-guide good copy Friday or earlier- no late ones accepted

No Biome worksheets accepted past Thursday- a number of students are missing one or some – will be incomplete if not handed in by Thursday

e-mail for details

Monday Homework

Coding complete lesson 10 puzzles and journal (MON)

Spelling Lesson 19 and test (THURS)

Math- Long Division worksheet (TMRW)

S.S. Booklet on Aboriginal groups in Canada (TMRW)

Reading Log will be handed back out tomorrow

Reminder- Dance workshop Wednesday

Friday homework


Science Biome worksheets and travel guide prototype DUE MONDAY

French Test Monday

Math up to page 224

Thursday Homework

Chinese New Year Celebration tomorrow- come in your Chinese clothes or bright colours such as blue, red, or pink

Mass is at 9 am

recess 10:05-10:20

10:30-12 Chinese Celebrations in Gym

Dismissal at noon!

Math- Pg. 224 and practice practice practice Multiplication and division!

Wednesday homework

math- practice division and multiplication

french test Monday

Science- Biome worksheets due Monday for marks

Science Biome travel guide prototype due Monday


Tuesday Homework

We had a great first dance workshop and are looking forward to Thursday’s class!

Math- pages 222-223 TOMORROW

Mandarin- visit Mandarin website and practice singing Chinese song

Science- Biome worksheets all due to be collected tomorrow

Mass 9 am – Ash Wednesday

PE after lunch

French test Monday? due to Mass tomorrow


Tuesday homework

Mass tomorrow

Math pages 215-218

Science Biome sheets all due Next Wednesday

No spelling test this week but complete lesson 18 review lesson and we will mark as a class next week

Reading Log- visualization worksheet due TOMORROW

Monday Homework

Spelling – review of lesson 13-17, students went through tests 13-17 and picked out the words they got wrong to pay close attention to, they also looked at how they did, if they were consistent, and what their lowest test score was and why they think it is. They self-reflected on their spelling studying practices and what worked and how they can improve. —— No spelling test this week but we will mark lesson 18 as a class next Monday.

Reading Log- Visualization worksheet Due Wednesday (handed out last week)

NO FRENCH OR PE on Wednesday due to Mass.

French- worksheets and Quiz (Mon)

Math- math test and corrections on lined paper stapled to the back of the test – brought back ASAP

No School Thursday and Friday due to CEC

++continue learning and practicing times tables