Goodbye 4L

Another school year has come to an end. I will miss you all but wish you so much success in Grade 5!

Come and visit me back in 4L 🙂


Miss LeRose

Monday Reminders

Tomorrow is a spirit day – dress in white and or red to celebrate Canada Day early

Tomorrow is Grade 7 store day – bring money if you wish to purchase some goods from the Grade 7’s- our time slot is rights after recess at 10:35

Tomorrow is Grade 4 party day at Dude Chilling Park
Please bring the food you signed up for
if you haven’t signed up yet please see the e-mail Bonnie sent out with a link to a google chart to see what everyone signed up for

Please send your child with sunscreen on, a hat, a water bottle (there will be no fountain there and we need to keep them hydrated in the heat)

They can bring a blanket, towel, folding chair, soccer ball, football, badminton, Frisbee, or any other outdoor game

We will start walking at 12:30pm for the park and will leave at 3ish

Parent Volunteers please meet us at school at 12:30 pm – if anyone wants to help us by driving bigger food items like juice boxes up that would be greatly appreciated.

I will be popping popcorn for one student at 12 in staff room if anyone is looking for me


We will also spend some time cleaning the classroom tomorrow and finish Wednesday so please send your student with an extra bag to help them take their belongings home.

We will still have PE on Wednesday morning

Tuesday Homework

Math- 4.2 pages 294-300 only questions I selected DUE TOMORROW

Math – bar graph showing results of probability games DUE TOMORROW

Special Reminders;
Monday**Praise and Worship day June 25th – Awards Day June 25th after praise and worship

Tuesday** Class party June 26th (sending books home)

Wednesday** Last full day (all supplies will be sent home)

Thursday**Report cards go home, early dismissal – Summer break 🙂

Monday Homework

Probability Carnival tomorrow! we will be playing the games after morning recess.

Twin Day

Movie and popcorn $2

Grade 4 party June 26th

Monday Homework

Poetry Cafe tomorrow– I am supplying iced tea and some snacks, if you would like to bring a different refreshment or any snack please feel free 🙂  Students will be reading their favourite poem from their book to their peers and we will celebrate after as a class.

Diorama – some students are done and prepared to share tomorrow, everyone else will present on Wednesday

Science – Matter test tomorrow after lunch

you will need to know the following
-difference between inference and observation
-definition of matter- matter is anything that takes up space and has mass
-boiling point and freezing point of water
-how to label the diagram of how solids, liquids, and gases change phases to one another
-this contains 6 vocab terms which you will need to know
2. Sublimation
3. Condensation
6. Melting

-Draw each of the 3 phases (solid, liquid,gas) showing how their particles are packed, explain how they are packed (ex, tightly packed) and how they move (vibrate and do not move, vibrate and move, move quickly) and give 1 example of each phase (ex, honey, wood, ice, helium, carbon dioxide, oxygen, air, juice)

Thursday Homework

#26 your colour is green for sports day

LAST CHANCE for BOOK ORDERS- DUE TOMORROW so they can arrive before end of the year

Lit Circle- Diorama on scene from James and the Giant Peach due Mon/Tues we will then type the paragraph part in class before their presentations on Tues/Wed

Math– Probability Carnival criteria sheet handed out
-our carnival to show our games will be held on June 19
-Students are in groups of 2 and are creating a game of chance for their peers to play, they will then collect data from game results and create a bar graph

Science – Matter test Tuesday

you will need to know the following
-difference between inference and observation
-definition of matter- matter is anything that takes up space and has mass
-boiling point and freezing point of water
-how to label the diagram of how solids, liquids, and gases change phases to one another
-this contains 6 vocab terms which you will need to know
2. Sublimation
3. Condensation
6. Melting

-Draw each of the 3 phases (solid, liquid,gas) showing how their particles are packed, explain how they are packed (ex, tightly packed) and how they move (vibrate and do not move, vibrate and move, move quickly) and give 1 example of each phase (ex, honey, wood, ice, helium, carbon dioxide, oxygen, air, juice)

Students who were here today know what to study, they have all the information in their reflection sheet in their blue science duotang. People away for track yesterday (except #26) caught up today.

Test will be Tuesday after morning recess.

Make sure to see me if you don’t know your Fun Day colour

Fun day Friday – mass 9 am, noon dismissal, snack at 10:45

Math test corrections and signed by Friday

Lit Circle on chapters 25-39 tomorrow – bring job

we will also continue working on diorama project

$5 for Recorder for music- bring money and signed consent sheet back to Miss. LeRose ASAP


Start looking up games of chance

we will be creating one for a probability carnival

instructions to come 🙂


Tuesday Homework

Lit Circle- Chapters 25-39 and Job This THURSDAY

Math Test corrections and signed by Friday

Book orders Friday

Poetry Books for poetry reading Thursday – you can finish gluing and binding Thursday morning but poems need to be completed (Cinquain, Limerick, Haiku, Shape, Acrostic and a title page) some may have a surprise poem

Monday Homework

Math pages 286-292 (only questions i assigned) Measurement unit

Lit Circle- chapters 15-25 and job tomorrow

Diorama project June 13

French- oral presentation June 6th

Fun Day June 8th (Mass and fun day ) noon dismissal