Individual photos tomorrow after morning recess- be sure to be in full inform including sweater for photos
Math- pages 40-44 due Monday
S.S. compass booklet Tues
Reading Log- connections page tomorrow
4L S.LeRose
Individual photos tomorrow after morning recess- be sure to be in full inform including sweater for photos
Math- pages 40-44 due Monday
S.S. compass booklet Tues
Reading Log- connections page tomorrow
Math- pages 38,39 – 1 page single sided math test Friday
What to know for the math test to be successful
can you??
-skip count by 100’s (practice starting from 100,200,300,400… and 133, 233,333,….. etc)
-What does the digit stand for
ex, the number 354, what does the digit 5 stand for? Answer: 50
what does the digit 6 stand for in 6850 ? Answer: 6000
-Write the number words for the numerals on the signs … refer to page 9 in Jump Math 4.1
-write the number in expanded form (numerals and words), then as a numeral (refer to page 11)
-Write the number in expanded form (using numerals) (refer to page 13, question 4a example)
-write less than and greater than signs to make the statements true (refer to page 17 #9)
-understand rounding, which one-digit numbers are closer to 0 (1,2,3,4) and which one-digit numbers are closer to 10 (6,7,8,9) …. know why 5 is a special case (because its in the middle, it’s equally between 0 and 10. this is answer to Pg 21 #2
Book Fair is open till 5:15 pm each day, we will be going as a class tomorrow after recess again.
Thank you for supporting our school!
Socials- Compass booklet due Tuesday – some students are completing at school as early finish-up work
Reading Log- looks different this week, each student brought home a half piece of paper with 3 squares, 1 for Yesterday(Tues), 1 for tonight(Wed), and 1 for tomorrow (Thurs) ….. after completing their 20 mins of reading, each students is required to draw the connection they made with their book. We have practiced this in class so they should feel prepared to do this. If they are confused i will give them more practice after teaching the skill to them again so not to worry.
All Math quizes are handed out, students have them in duotang to refer to before tests if needed.
S.S. title pages were graded out of 5 and handed back, Starting Monday October 1 all late homework will be given a homework slip to bring home and get signed by the next day and still need to hand in work which will be docked marks depending on how late it is. We talked about this in class so they are all aware.
Reading Log- tonight is a connection half sheet of paper- 1 box for each tuesday wednesday and thursday, after reading 20 mins students to draw their connection to their book
Math pages 34-27 due tomorrow
S.S. compass booklet next Tuesday
French page 6 due tomorrow
Math- 30-33
Reading Log- students to read 20 mins and tell you what they read, no paper reading log tonight
Socials title page tomorrow
french page 6
Coding- every student is required to have ear buds or headphones at school for coding days (Friday)
Reminder reading log is sent home every Monday and is due back in class every Friday … if Friday is a holiday please hand it in on Monday.
Please check out Fresh Grade to hear an interesting sound … your child will be able to tell you about it from our workshop yesterday morning.
No nuts please in food for the Mandarin party Monday
Reading Log due tomorrow
Socials title page Tuesday
Tomorrow is our Science workshop on sound energy.
I am missing 3 permission slips, so please double check with your child if he/she handed it in.
Math 4.1 pages 27-29
Math Quiz tomorrow based on information learned on pages 1-24 This quiz is just to see where your child is so far with this unit and to help them better prepare for the first unit test.
French- Cahier pages 3 and 4 Due Monday
Science Title page Due Monday
Reading Log (RL) – read 20 mins and complete Wednesdays box. Reading Log due Friday fully complete.
Mandarin- review and read the story
Mandarin- notice went home about the Mid-Autumn Festival that will take place in class during Mandarin time (1:30-2:10) on Monday Sept 24th – For the class celebration students are to bring round foods (treats/snacks/fruits) to school MONDAY SEPT 24. Some examples of round foods are, grapes, melon cut up with melon ball, timbits, doughnuts, cookies, crackers and cheese, sushi,sliced cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, berries, muffins, cupcakes, pizza etc.
Math 4.1 pages 25-26 – we were learning about rounding today, can you share the rules for rounding with your parents?
Science- Workshop on Energy Thursday Sept 20- must have permission slip to participate
Field trip money due October 2
RL (Reading Log)- please read 20 mins and fill in Tuesdays box
Mandarin- complete word practice sheet, 2 pages of reminders get signed
Fresh Grade invites were e-mailed out- please sign in and have a look at the first group and individual post.
Math- pages 20-24 tomorrow
Reading Log- please read minimum 20 mins and fill in Mondays box- have parent sign after
Socials- Family Culture web due tomorrow
Thank you to all the new 4L students for a hardworking first week!
Enjoy your weekend with your family 🙂
Reminder** PE Monday, Wear gym strip to school, bring uniform to change into after PE
**Permission slip for Sept/Oct workshops due ASAP
**Field trip money due Oct 2
**Book fair Sept 26-28