Math- pages 54-57 (students received an hour so shouldn’t have much left if any)
Math re-test will be Monday after lunch, if I did not write re-test on your test and you feel you need one please come talk to me tomorrow
Mandarin- Test signed
Buddies with 1W tomorrow – we will talk about being role models
Pen Pals- My cousins in Perth, Australia will be our pen pals, students will write letters and type them, I will form 1 document and e-mail the letters, when we receive one back students will get a printed copy to take home and keep and they will write their responses which will be typed up and I will e-mail them again. Any questions please e-mail me.
FSA practice all next week. If you would like your child exempt from the FSA please e-mail me. This test is not included in their report cards at all and is only for the government. I just need an e-mail stating you as their guardian wish them to be excused.
Please e-mail if you have any questions.
Students completed a light energy workshop today so hopefully this can strike some good conversation over dinner tonight.
We are going to be starting a Saint project, students may research at home if they are excited but we will start next week. They will be researching facts such as birth, death, canonization etc and then create a power point presentation to present to the class.