Monday Homework

Math pages 61-63

we are nearing the end of the measurement unit

Measurement test will be next Monday afternoon

Mandarin- fairytale worksheet

French- create sentences, page 11/12 in cahier, quiz on classroom objects (Wednesday)

Students may bring in materials for Rube Goldberg project starting tomorrow
They are selecting their own partners
All work will be done in class as long as they use their time wisely

We had a lesson on how to use a USB today, tomorrow will be a lesson on Power Point, -they will use power point for their Saints Project and be able to save on their USB to bring home and work on if they run out of time or just to show you.

Reminder* no school Friday, please come for your time slot for parent teacher interviews, if its your time i am am going over please knock,       THANK YOU

reminder every book bought through book orders helps 4L build their class library 🙂

Menu orders were submitted today to the restaurant.

October 30 students wont be here for lunch but at restaurant so please cancel hot lunch or students can take it home to eat later, thank you