Monday Homework

Spelling lesson 9 and post test Thursday

Grammar booklet to work through at own time in class or at home, follow instructions, complete only A and B, not part C


Mandarin- complete Peace lantern

Practice reading our Speech Arts Poem

Sam, Who Only Ate Jam

A Cautionary Tale

From the book The Biggest Burp Ever

There was a boy whose name was Sam.
The only thing he ate was jam.
When offered any other food,
he’d claim he wasn’t in the mood.
He’d say, “I’m fairly full today,”
and push that other food away.
And so he never tasted pie,
or gave spaghetti sauce a try,
and even if you asked him, “Please?”
he wouldn’t chew on cheddar cheese.
He couldn’t stand potato chips.
Bananas never crossed his lips.
And not a bit of beef or lamb
or deviled egg or candied yam
would wind up on his dinner plate,
for jam was all he ever ate.

Now, as it happened, late one day
poor Sam expired. He passed away.
We don’t know why. It might have been
some mineral or vitamin
was missing from the food he ate
and caused this clearly awful fate
or maybe all that sugar made
him fall to pieces, start to fade,
until the day that eating jam
at last became the end of Sam.


We can’t be certain why he died
but, maybe, if he’d only tried
some yogurt or some celery,
a piece of toast, a pear, a pea,
a pizza crust, a grain of rice,
a half an herb, a single spice,
a spoon of soup with just one clam,
then, maybe, we would still have Sam.

Alas, he never ate a grape
or chocolate bar or Belgian crepe
or lobster bisque or Irish stew
or sauerkraut or cheese fondue
or casserole or sloppy joe,
so this is all we’ll ever know:
Since jam was all he had to eat,
his life was rather short and sweet.

Friday Homework

Math 129-130 Monday

Finishing editing story Tues

red pen for spaces, blue pen for punctuation, pencil for adding in words or spelling mistakes

Reading log Feb 4

Field trip next Friday- need a packed snack and recess- NO HOT LUNCH as we are not back until 3:20

Thursday Homework

Math pages 128-130

some work is in math duo-tang on graph paper – I am checking its neat and date and pages are underlined

LA – we worked on editing today with peers, please finish editing for homework – editing due Monday as they will need to add edits into the computer to be ready to print and illustrate the pages next week.
Tomorrow we will make a cover for their story in art

Reading Log- Feb 4

PE- labelled badminton court – use a ruler, don’t forget name

Wednesday Homework

Dance workshop Friday, wear full uniform for Mass and the  students will change into their PE clothes after.

Students have been working very hard on their Biome board game projects – please ask them about their game.

Homework- look at board games around the house and see how you can use the games as inspiration.


Spelling lesson 8 and post test tomorrow

French worksheet

PE homework- draw badminton court and label lines (USE RULER) DUE MONDAY- no lates

Tuesday Homework

Come in Gym strip tomorrow, they will change at lunch back into full uniform

More parent volunteers needed for next Friday’s field trip 🙂

Spelling lesson 8 and post test Thursday

PE homework




Dance Play has started so please send students with their PE uniform tomorrow, Friday in addition to Monday’s and Wednesdays.
For tomorrow and Friday, WEAR full school uniform and bring PE uniform to change into.


A notice is being sent home for Feb 1 field trip, please return by the end of this week.

For this field trip we are limited to how many parents can fit with both classes on the bus. We get 3 from 4L but ideally for the students to have the best experience we need 5, 4S will also need extra … if any parents can join but are willing to drive and meet us there we can figure out a way to reimburse the cost of parking. Please e-mail me if you are interested or have any questions. THANK YOU!!!


PE homework- draw badminton court and label the lines DUE MONDAY- NO LATE ONES ACCEPTED


Thank you

Miss LeRose

Tuesday homework

Math – pages 126-127

Science – Biome worksheet, Due Thursday

Reminder- field trip Thursday

parent volunteers please meet in lobby or classroom at 8:50 am as we leave promptly at 9 am, reminder to come up to classroom after to sign for parent participation hours.

PE tomorrow – reminder ALL students NEED their full school uniform to change into after PE
This is the the routine every Monday and Wednesday

Wednesday Homework

FSA booklets handed back- please review with your child

Math- up to 121

Mandarin- review and practice lucky words

French worksheet

January Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We hope you had a wonderful, blessed and relaxing Christmas break with your loved ones. Happy New Year to all of you! We hope that 2019 brings you much joy, peace, love, good health and fun adventures.  We are now into term two and the Grade 4’s are eager to begin working hard.

  1. Social Studies:

This term we will be studying the lives and culture of the First Nations Peoples. We will be using the information from our Social Studies textbook, from computer research, and from our class field trips. In addition, students are encouraged to go to their local public library to borrow information texts about the First Nations Peoples. These will help them find facts and revisit the elements found in an information text. These elements being: index, glossary, captions with pictures, photographs, maps, glossary, bolded words, factual information, and the table of contents.  It is important that the students know how to read an information text and how to locate information.  The main branches of any library (e.g. Vancouver, Burnaby or Richmond) will have a good selection of books.

  1. Science:  Biomes, Habitats, and Communities:

In Science we will be learning about the five major types of biomes: forests, grasslands, desert, tundra, and aquatic. Students will be learning terms such as: habitat, community, herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. They will be creating and constructing a Biome board game as the end of term 2. Again, students are invited to find information books about different animals and bring them into the classroom to share.

  1. Term 2 Field Trips

The term two field trips have been paid for at the beginning of the year

Trading Post:  Thursday, January 17th, 2019 at the Fraser Discovery Centre

Wet Lab:  Friday, February 1st, 2019 at the Vancouver Aquarium


Thank you for your cooperation and support in your child’s learning.


Mr. Matthew Brooks and Miss Sarah LeRose