Wednesday Homework

Math test on division tomorrow- I sent home 2 quizes with an answer key as study practice. Also practice long division.

Spelling lesson 14 and test tomorrow

Adoration tomorrow- will say 1 decade of the Rosary again

Report Cards go home tomorrow

Book Orders tomorrow and Friday please so I can enter order before Spring Break

Keep going with Lent Calendar – How is your Lenten promise going?

Monday Homework

Speech Arts tomorrow at 9:30

students straight to classroom at 8:30am so gym can be set up

come support us 🙂

practice practice practice tonight! we will run through once at 8:45 am

Spelling lesson 14 and post-test Thursday

Math – finish 4.2! we are done 🙂 just a few word problems to finish, we will go over them tomorrow afternoon and have a mini test on division on Thursday!

We will be starting fractions after Spring Break, get some early practice in with your children when you eat pizza, cookies, pie, or anything round … or chocolate bars (easy to do with ones already segmented into pieces)

Thursday Homework

PE tomorrow so come in gym strip

French tomorrow as well due to Mass on Wednesday

Math- 2 pages from wherever you are

Speech Arts Tuesday- practice once at home

Mandarin- complete worksheet

Lent mosaic cross- finish if haven’t today in class

-Each student received a Lent calendar to keep track of Lenten promise – bring back after Easter or send a photo to my e-mail
This is for each student to colour in each box when they succeeded in their lent promise , students can also add what they did for Almsgiving by writing or adding a small drawing

-April 5- after school talk for parents about internet safety and sex education – Please return if you would or wouldn’t attend to myself and I will pass onto office

Congratulations 4L

Every student should feel so proud! We made it though the school round to continue on in 2 week for the Speech Arts competition! Congratulations to Hayley as well, for making it in the individual category. We are all cheering you on 🙂

This means you don’t get to stop hearing about Sam at home 🙂
We will practice a few times next week and I ask each student does once over the weekend just to keep fresh in their memory.

They had great volume and emphasis today and I look forward to them sharing this poem and their skills in the next competition!