Math pages 34,35
Math quiz tomorrow and test Thursday
Spelling lesson 4 pages 18,19,20 and test Thursday
4L S.LeRose
Math pages 34,35
Math quiz tomorrow and test Thursday
Spelling lesson 4 pages 18,19,20 and test Thursday
Math pages 32,33
Mandarin- practice reading
Book Fair starts tomorrow
Math pages 27-31
Language Power- lesson 5 and 6, only parts a and b- don’t do C
Spelling lesson 3 test Thursday and homework pages 14,15,16 Due Thursday
Mandarin- read textbook
Book Fair this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Students will visi with their class as well they can visit during recess and after school with their families.
Math pages 20-24
Science- sound energy sheets due Thursday
French worksheets due tomorrow
Book orders due tomorrow
Spelling lesson 2 and test Thursday
Reading Log and reading 20 mins
Math – pages 15-19
French due Wednesday
Spelling lesson 2 work and test Thursday
Book Orders Wednesday
Welcome to Grade 4! We are so excited for this new school year and we are looking forward to working with such a wonderful group of children and their parents.
This class newsletter is intended to provide parents with information regarding classroom rules and expectations as well as schedules and dates of regular and special classroom activities. This is going to be a positive and productive year for the students.
Some scheduling information to assist you to organize your child’s day:
All students have daily planners or agendas. Students will record homework and unfinished class work daily and will be asking parents to initial agendas every day after nightly reading and/or work is completed. Expect this agenda daily and help students get this routine established as soon as possible. Parents may use the agenda to write brief notes, etc. to the teacher. The teacher will do the same if need be.
A reminder for students who have not registered for the after school Chinese/Interest class: Students will be waiting for you in the playground to be picked up between 3:30 and 4:00 p.m. every day except for Wednesday (2:30-3:00 p.m.). If the weather is inclement after school, there will be an indoor dismissal. Students will be waiting for pick up in their own classroom.
When sending money to school, please be sure it is in a sealed envelope or baggie and includes your child’s full name and what it is for as loose money gets lost.
Classroom expectations are:
Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather, especially when the weather is cold and wet. All students go outside for all recess times unless the weather is severe.
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. If you have any questions or require further explanation, please contact the teacher. We are looking forward to working with your child this year!
Miss S. Lerose
Ms. C. Comerford
Grade 4 Teachers