Wednesday Homework

Crazy hair day art- Due Monday

Bring re-usable plate for tomorrow

and food if you signed up

French-pg 11,12, quiz

Mandarin worksheet

Spelling lesson 8 tomorrow

Kids can wear costumes to school

Wednesday Homework

Spelling lesson 7 due Monday

We completed our reading comprehension online FSA today! congrats 4L!!

PE nutrition workshop permission form and $2

Salmon n’Bannock permission signed ASAP- no money needed as you pre-paid in the $150 – parent Volunteers needed, lunch at the restaurant in included – I can take up to 5 parents on the bus with us and to have lunch.

If I can know by tomorrow if you can volunteer that would be amazing

Parent teacher interviews tomorrow, please be on time as I can only give you that 15 minute time slot

See you tomorrow!

Monday Homework

Please send a colour photo of your student standing sideways (whole body in photo) wearing their uniform, backpack, etc. We will be using this at school to “match the picture” and help each student gain independence in preparing for home and making sure to have all belongings (uniform pieces, homework etc)

See below for an example. Students will use this photo to make sure they are leaving with the correct shoes on, their uniform, etc, we will also be adding special objects. Each photo will be laminated so students can see, and maybe draw until they are used to it, what they need; for example to remember to carry home gym strip, project, recorder, coat, hat etc. This will help students from forgetting and misplacing things. This should also help with remembering all homework so they don’t get home and realize they forgot it.

executive functioning student photo

Spelling lesson 7 due Wednesday- no test this week

Wednesday homework

S.S. map booklet Tuesday

Social thinking skills story strip Tuesday

Spelling lesson 5 tomorrow

Krispy Cream Doughnuts fundraiser form went into mailboxes today and should be brought home so keep an eye out

Please hand walk-a-thon forms into office asap

Tuesday Homework

Spelling lesson 5 and test THURSDAY

Surprise ART ASAP

Underwater portrait ASAP

Reading Log

Please send in a box of tissue if you haven’t yet are are able to

We began FSA practice last week …. During this next month the amount of homework your child gets will be much smaller. We will be completing practices and then the real exam in class. Yesterday should be the only piece of practice sent home unless your child needs a bit more time.

Some topics that will be on the FSA online math section are;

-perimeter P= L+L+W+W

-Area  A=L x W

-fractions  example which fraction is smaller 1/2 1/4 1/6 1/12    answer 1/12
RULE* when the numerator is the same, the bigger the denominator, the smaller the fraction.

-multiplication/ division – students will have access to a calculator for the online portion of the math test

-addition/subtraction *keep working on mental math skills to solve these questions quicker

-patters example 1,2,4,7,?,??       write down the pattern and find the difference between each number. In this example the difference between 1&2 is +1, the difference between 2&4 is +2, then +3 and so to continue to pattern we would use +4, +5 and so on.

-Capacity- have your child look at a juice box or pop can to see how many mL are inside, also a juice or milk carton to see maybe 2L or 4L. This will help them have a visual of how much liquid is in something they see and or use on a daily basis.

I have to have everything submitted by November 22. If you are going on a holiday between now and then please let me know as we will have to arrange when to complete their exam.

Wednesday Homework

Math test tomorrow: look at these pages and questions to be fully prepared

pg.2 skip counting

pg. 5 #6

pg.9 #8 b&c

pg.11 #4


pg17 #9

pg.21 #2

Spelling lesson 4 workbook (3 pages) and test tomorrow

French- numbers and complete sentences

Brain pocket writing- memory story- finish completing 1 page of memory story if didn’t finish in class

Mandarin pg 20,21

October Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We hope that this newsletter finds you all well and enjoying the early days of Fall.  As we head into October, we have observed that the grade 4 students are adjusting well to the expectations for the intermediate students. We have worked on morning routines with them, what active listening looks like and how to be prepared for each of their classes with the correct materials. We have also expressed the importance of keeping their personal belongings neat and organized.

In Language Arts we are working on our writing and reading skills. We have talked about “What do good readers and writers do”.  When we read our novels, poems or information text we use these 5 skills:

  1. We ask questions before , during and after we read
  2. We make connections to the world, to ourselves and to other books
  3. We visualize (which means we create pictures in our mind)
  4. We transform our thinking while we read
  5. We make inferences (which means we look for the clues that the author leaves for us)

A few important dates to add to your calendars:

  • October 10th a Science workshop about Light will be presented in the classroom
  • October 11th 9 am mass followed by Walk-a-thon and noon dismissal
  • October 24th is Parent Teacher interviews. Meeting times will be given out soon. Check students planner in upcoming weeks
  • October 25th is a Professional Development Day for teachers (no school for students)
  • October 31st is the Halloween Costume Parade, starting at 1:00pm
  • FSA administration will be all month and go into November. Please refrain from taking vacation time during this time.

We ask that you please check your child’s agenda and initial it each school night. This will help your child’s organizational skills and will promote good communication between home and the school.

Thank you for your cooperation and participation in your child’s learning.

Miss. S. LeRose

Ms. C. Comerford

Grade 4 Teachers