December Newsletter

It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the year!
Grade 4 December 2019 Newsletter

Dear Parents,
We hope that you are all well. Christmas is quickly approaching and the grade four students are
successfully reaching the end of the first term. We are proud of all the students, as they have
worked hard and have many achievements and successes to celebrate. Please remember to
return the report card folder to your child’s teacher.
Language Arts: Author in Residence Program
Grade 4’s have worked very hard on paragraph writing this term. They have broken them down into topic/introduction sentences, body/detail sentences, and a closing/ending sentence. Keep up the great writing! Next onto story writing.
Science- Students are concluding their energy unit with their very own Rube Goldberg machines. These will be videotaped and posted on See Saw which will be up and running soon.
Religion: Advent Time is Here
Now is the time of preparation for the coming of the baby Jesus. An important symbol used in
the classroom for our prayer tables is the Advent Wreath, which symbolizes that God’s love for
us has no beginning and no end. The four candles of the wreath represent the four Sundays of
Advent. We can prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus through prayer. A wonderful prayer
to learn during Advent is the Magnificat of Mary (Luke 1:46-55). We can also make sure we
attend Mass, sing Sacred Hymns ( advent song such as “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”), pray
for others less fortunate than ourselves, donate to the Vancouver Food Bank or purchase a gift
for the Vancouver Christmas Bureau and place it under our Giving Tree that will be set up in the
front foyer of our school.
Parent Ideas/Resources:
These resources and books can be found at Chapters, Kids Books and Coles bookstores.
This is a list of a few more book ideas that you may want to purchase for your child for

1. Shiloh Season (this is the sequel), Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
2. Imagine a Day (wonderful picture book), Sharon L. Thomson
3. The Polar Express, Chris Van Allsburg
4. The Bone Collector’s Son, Paul Yee (this takes place in 1907 in Vancouver)

5. The Giving Tree, Shel Silverstein
6. Reading Power, Adrienne Gear (parent resource)
7. Writing Power, Adrienne Gear (parent resource)
8. Non-fiction Reading Power, Adrienne Gear (parent resource)
9. The Bully, The Bullied and the Bystander (parent resource)
10. Parents Do Make a Difference: How to Raise Kids with Solid Character, Strong
Minds and Caring Hearts, Michele Borba (parent resource)
11. The Wish Tree, Katherine Applegate
12. Fish in a Tree, Lynda Mullaly Hunt
Finally, a special thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered their time so willingly to
help in the classroom and with various jobs. We wish you and your family a Blessed and Joyous
Christmas season. May the New Year be filled with peace, love and happiness for all.
Merry Christmas,
Ms. S. LeRose and Ms. C. Comerford

Friday Homework

Math- test on measurement and mass Monday

study and review pages 50-67

Keep in Chistmas Poster – work on at home if you want

Reading Log due to Miss LeRose Monday morning 9 am for final check for visualizing, connecting and questioning.


Wednesday Homework

I will be adding the weekly Gospel before Friday Mass’

Please take time ti read as a family and take some time to talk about it. We will also be talking about it Thursday’s in preparation for Mass Friday.

Gospel (Luke 21:29-33)

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke. Glory to you, O Lord.

Jesus spoke to his disciples about the end which is to come. He told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees; as soon as they sprout leaves you can see for yourselves and know that summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near.”

“Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”

The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


Math Test tomorrow on measurement

Spelling lesson 11 Due tomorrow and post-test

Tuesday Homework

Pizza lunch Thursday for Roel’s birthday on Thursday, each students has given me their order

Spelling lesson 11 workbook and test Thursday

Math measurement test Thursday

Wednesday Homework

Math- Jump Math 4.1 pg 49 word problems

start measurement pages 50-51

We will be starting our last Writing piece for the FSA’s tomorrow then we are all done!! We have kept the extra treats from the Halloween party to enjoy as a class when we finish these!!

Spelling lesson 9 work and test tomorrow

PE Nutrition workshop Friday afternoon

Remembrance Day assembly Friday after morning recess

November Newsletter

FSA’s are nearing to an end in the next two weeks, then we can get back to normal in Grade 4.

We continue to work on the students’ writing skills focusing on brainstorming, making predictions and connections. The students are also focusing on adding more details to their sentences and using descriptive language (what we also refer to as “triple-scoop” words). Students are encouraged to expand their love of literacy by reading information texts, poetry or try a novel by a different author.

Some reading suggestions for grade 4 include:

  • Armstrong, William H. Sounder
  • Atwater, Richard and Florence. Popper’s Penguins
  • Creech, Sharon. Love that Dog
  • Ellis, Deborah. Mud City
  • Kogawa, Joy. Naomi’s Road
  • O’Dell, Scott. Island of the Blue Dolphins
  • Pearson, Kit. A Handful of Time
  • Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Shiloh Season
  • Sachar, Louis. Holes
  • Smith, Robert Kimmel. Chocolate Fever
  • Willis, Jeanne. Dumb Creatures
  • Huser, Glen. Stitches and the Elevator Ghost

We love numbers! Yes, we do!!

How do you write 9,356? What is expanded form? Our math geniuses  have been busily working with whole numbers. They know how to write numbers in standard form, expanded form and are working on rounding numbers to the nearest 10. 100 and 1000.  We will also be working on comparing and ordering numbers.  Students are practicing their skills using their Jump Math work books. We want all of our students to know that working with numbers is fun.

Upcoming dates to add to your calendars.

  • November 8th, Remembrance Day Service
  • November 11th, 12th No School
  • November 7th, 4S Salmon n’ Bannock Field Trip
  • November 1st, 4L Salmon n’ Bannock Field Trip

Message to the Parents

As first term comes to a close, students will be finishing topics such as energy and mapping skills.  Encourage your child to complete assignments and homework on time, study hard and to prepare for upcoming quizzes and tests.  A “big” thank you to all of the parents for their support.  We really appreciate your help.   It was wonderful to meet you all at the Parent-Teacher Interviews.


Miss. S. LeRose and Ms. C. Comerford