Tuesday Homework

**IMPORTANT** Ash Wednesday Mass tomorrow- wear full uniform to school and change into PE uniform after Mass

Religion: Focus on how you can fulfill and live out the 4th commandment- Honour your mother and your father.

What is your Lenten promise? we will be writing down tomorrow

Snow shoeing – March 5 – please refer to permission slip from January for all the details.

Reading Log due Thursday- I am looking specifically for Predictions and Summaries.

LA- 1 page writing from today due Thursday

Coast Salish menu’s ASAP


March Newsletter

Spring is around the corner!

Grade 4 March 2020 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We hope that this newsletter finds you well. It is hard to believe that yet another month has passed by and that term two is almost over. February was an active month for all the students as we practiced hard for our class Choric Speech for the Speech Arts Festival as well all those who participated in the solo poetry and bible readings.  We have been crunching the numbers hard for our multiplication unit and used our problem solving skills to answer word problems.  We also went to the Aquarium to experience some Biomes first hand and now the students are busy at work making a Biome board game. Grade 4 students also visited the Fraser Discovery Centre to gain knowledge about the Fraser River and its history with trade. They experienced what a trading post would have been life and how unfair trade was between European settlers and First nations peoples.


The season of Lent is underway. It is a time of preparation for the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. We will be discussing the importance of Lent as a time for prayer, reflection and renewal of our baptismal vows and sacrifice. The students are encouraged to pray the Stations of the Cross and pray for themselves, their families and others in the world.

Upcoming dates to add to your calendars:

  • March 5 Snow Shoeing
  • March 12 Second Term Reports
  • March 13 Noon dismissal – last day before Spring Break
  • March 30 School Reopens
  • March 30 – April 3 Miss LeRose away for First Aid course

Spring Break

Here are a few suggestions about what to do during the spring break:

  • go to your local library and spend some time reading your favourite books
  • go for a walk and look for animal habitats at Stanley Park
  • visit Science World and look at their exhibitions
  • visit the Vancouver Art Gallery and enjoy the Emily Carr exhibits
  • have a picnic at your local park (depending on the weather)
  • play a sport outside (run, skip, bike, play basketball or soccer)

Please remember to continue signing agendas.


Miss S. LeRose

Miss. C. Comerford

and welcome back Mrs. S. Snyder to 4S!!

Wednesday Homework

Field trip tomorrow

Soleil, Bernice, Ariel, Karson – parents coming

bus leaves at 9 am

Kids to bring snack, lunch and coat for field trip

*** Does anyone live near a pizza place? I am in search of 7 pizza boxes for our board games, 12 inch pizza boxes. If so thank you so much!

Math test Monday on Multiplication

up to page 134 in Jump Math

French- bring USB Monday, Slide draft

Mandarin- textbook page 83, 88

Tuesday Homework

Christian book fair tomorrow- we will be going as a class- please send money with your child if you wish to support this book fair

Aquarium field trip Thursday- reminder to bring a packed snack and lunch that includes everything your child needs. We will be eating snack and lunch at the aquarium. Don’t forget to cancel hot lunch, or the lunch will be in the office for when we return at 3ish

Math test Friday on multiplication up to page 134 in jump math

Mandarin – pg 76

Scholastic book orders tomorrow or Thursday please

Snow shoeing field trip has been changed to March 5 – please wait for further details



Wednesday Homework

Anyone with missing Biomes went home with an extra copy today- DUE TUESDAY no eceptions

Math Test on multiplication Friday (21)

we will finish up to page 134 by Wednesday next week to have Thursday to review for half hour when back from Aquarium

Reminder Aquarium field trip Thursday 20th

Ariel, Karson, Bernice, Soleil – parents volunteering – be at school to leave by 9 am on bus

Bradey- missing permission click form- please send in Tuesday

Art- reptile eye- finish sharpie and pastel at home so all ready to water colour next week

Happy Family Day!

Wednesday Homework

Desert Biome due Friday

Savannah/ grasslands Biome due Monday

French test next Wednesday

Mandarin page 69 and 70 in textbook

Tuesday Homework

Check out Seesaw

Keep practicing speech arts- we don’t have it fully memorized yet

Mandarin- highlight new words and add English meaning in the text lesson 4

Science- Desert Biome due Friday

SS menu to be finished at home or during recess time – no more class time

Monday Homework

Spelling lesson 18 and test Thursday

Language Power lesson 16 parts a and b Wednesday

math pages 122,123 tomorrow

Bring mug for hot chocolate party tomorrow

french- cahier p 13A, 15, worksheet pg 69 and 78 (wed)


Mandarin lesson 3 for test tomorrow

February Grade 4 Newsletter

February Grade 4 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We hope that this newsletter finds you all well. February is busy month for our grade 4 students, but they are up for the challenge!!

Social Studies:

We continue to learn about the First Nations culture. We will be also learning about the West Coast First Nations Peoples and other Aboriginal peoples in British Columbia. Again, we will examine their ways of life. We will look at food, clothing, shelter, transportation, government and religious beliefs. Students are working on a Passport as they learn about new things.

Students are working on finishing their Menu’s for their own Coast Salish Restaurants.


As part of our science unit on Biomes, the students will be attending the Wet Lab workshop on February 20th, 2019 at the Vancouver Aquarium. The students will learn about animal adaptations, local marine ecosystems, and about the complex issues of marine debris. As a conclusion to our Biomes unit, students will be creating a Biomes Board Game.


Students are continuing learning their times tables and how to apply these skills to different questions.  We will be using these skills when we dive into Division soon. Students are encouraged to practice their multiplication. www.multiplication.com offers auto scored tests and free games.

Dates to remember:

  1. February 20 Field Trip to the Vancouver Aquarium (Leave school 9 am back at 2pm)
  2. February 14-15 Catholic Educators Conference(no school)
  3. February 17 Family Day (no school-go out and do something fun as a family)
  4. In school Speech Arts February 12 – “The Dot” by Peter Reynolds

Thank you to all the parent volunteers who continue to help us in the classroom. We appreciate all that you do. God bless!


Miss S. LeRose and Miss C. Comerford