Week 4 Learning Plan

We have made it through 3 weeks! Thank you for your ongoing patience. I am hopeful this week that you get e-mail notifications saying this was shared.

This week I have continued to have all specialist blog links built into my weekly plan. Note that PHE is now built into 4L seesaw. This is a test week for Ms. Olaivar on seesaw. She will post her assignment Monday mornings at 9:00 am.

Please take time before the week begins to go through this plan with your child. See the weekly timetable example that I added into the weekly plan as well OR make your own for what works for your family.

Continuing this week is Jump Math, Science, and a Novel Study. A Math test on Division so far (not including long division) will be posted on seesaw 9:00 am Monday.
Please add your child’s time slot for the small group zoom meeting to your timetable so you do not forget. There will be no make-up group meetings.
Same zoom ID and password that we have been using. These groups will be continuing for 4-5 weeks. Each week when they come to their Novel Study zoom, I will assign which chapters and which Novel Study job they are to complete. DO not complete them all on seesaw, ONLY the one I assign this week. Thank You!!

Week 4 Learning Plan here:

Have great week 🙂

Week 3 Learning Plan

We have made it through 2 weeks! Thank you for your ongoing patience. Recent news is that this blog was updated along with all SFX school blogs. Please re-subscribe so you get notified by e-mail when I post the new learning plan every Sunday.

This week I have continued to have all specialist blog links built into my weekly plan, and newly added is the reading log link. I have also added the seesaw activity links in this weekly plan as well.

Please take time before the week begins to go through this plan with your child. See the weekly timetable example that I added into the weekly plan as well OR make your own for what works for your family.

New this week is Jump Math, Science, and a Novel Study. Please add your child’s time slot for the small group zoom meeting to your timetable so you do not forget. Same zoom ID and password that we have been using. These groups will be continuing for 4-5 weeks. With each assignment I have highlighted in blue, where to submit.

week 3 learning plan here:

Week 2 Learning Plan and Reading Log links

Hello 4L,

I hope you all had a very Happy Easter!

Thank you to everyone first of all, I know this is a lot of new technology and new ways of learning for us all.

The format you saw last week is what I will send out every week. (Usually Sunday but this week it is Monday because of Easter)

Going forward all assignments are due Saturday by noon of the same week. The ‘MUST DO’ assignments  will have a ‘Please submit in your seesaw’ highlighted in blue so there is no confusion what the ‘MUST DO’ assignments are. The Choice board is optional and there as an extension for those who have more time and with to learn and try new things.

I you have any questions please message me over seesaw. If you or your child still cannot access seesaw please e-mail me and we can set up a zoom call to sort it out.

I still have 6 students who haven’t submitted anything, and another 9 who are missing at least 1 assignment. Please utilize the daily shape of the day or weekly schedule shared with you. Once you get the weekly learning plan, I suggest as a family planning out your child’s week with the assignments and given time for specialist classes as well. Once completed, they can colour or check off the assignment. At the end of the week it will be easy to glance at the schedule and see if they completed their work of not.

I am here, and during the school week I reply to messages quickly, so if you or your child needs to contact me please do. Seesaw messages are the best route.

Here is the link for the Week 2 Learning Plan. (Click the blue week 2 learning plan)

Note** all specialist sites are linked on here and they have their own assignments and due dates. Please check.

Also there is the choice board you can click on for 9 other activities, not all will change every week.

Week 2 Reading Log link

Weekly Planner Template – Editable

Editable Template for a weekly schedule- click below for template and to see 1 way to fill it in

Weekly Planner


Please Open as a google doc, click File, Make Copy before you personalize for your family.

This is just an example of how you could fill in for next week and once you see the weekly learning plan I will send out Easter Monday afternoon it will make more sense as I have typed some assignments into days so when your child wakes up, they know exactly what they are working on.

Please customize to your families needs and schedule. I know there are families who have blocks with Ms. Nozet, children who have to help babysit younger siblings, families who are sharing ipads and laptops, as well as many other reasons to be flexible.

Thanks to Cindy for sharing this template and I hope this can help all your children feel in charge of their learning during this time.



What is 4L reading?

Hi 4L, I thought I would share a list of all the books you are reading right now for your Reading Log!

and then it Happened book 9
I am Drums
Warriors: Into the Wild
The Ship Of Secrets
Harry potter and the deathly hallows
The Secret Of The Crystal Fairies
Hardy boys and the great airport mystery
Wesakechak and the Earth
Phoebe and her unicorn
Dairy of a wimpy kid the getaway
Animal Rescue Friends Book 1 Maddie and Boyd
Harry Potter – Re-reading series
Warriors:Into The Wild
Saint Teresa of Ávila: God’s Troublemaker
Dear Pen Pal
Warriors:Fire & Ice
The Alchemyst – The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flame (#1) Chapter 19
The One and Only Ivan
The Legend of Saint Christopher (Comic)
Charlie and the chocolate factory
Hardy Boys: What Happened at Midnight
Japanese Culture
Nevermoor:The Trials of Morrigan Crow
SURVIVORS:Red Moon Rising
Harry potter and the chamber of secrets
Danny the Champion of the World
Narwhal’s Otter Friend

Shape of the day

Hello all,

With our first online learning week underway I want to say thank you for your support and understanding. This is new too all of us involved. I want to include another copy of the shape of the day document. Please use this one or have your child make their own. I am using a week long plan to make it easier to be flexible around parents work schedules and availability of technology. I ask that you have a moment as a family to preview the week learning plan and create a shape of the day that works for you.

Students generally work their best in the morning, so I recommend scheduling Math and LA based activities then and save art or PE based activities for the afternoon.

Students may post their work in Seesaw as they complete it so I can give quick feedback and make sure it is placed in the correct digital folder in Seesaw. As students need help, message me and I can help over Seesaw as well as jumping into a zoom meeting (with the same ID and password) quick for your child to get immediate support.




I would love to see a photo of their shape of the day, and if the first week it doesn’t work, try it again a different way.

If it still isn’t working, I am happy to help make it with your child.

We are all in this together 🙂

Soapstone Carving – I was given a discount code!


Oliver Harwood is offering a special 40% discount to teachers and students for his soapstone kits right now because many of us had to cancel workshops with him. Use the below link to buy a kit if you wish and message me for the 40% off discount code! He is also offering free shipping I see on the website!

I would love to do a class zoom lesson or smaller groups if works better to be able to carve together 🙂


Week 1 (April 6-9) Learning Plan

Reading Log link:
Complete 1 this week


Week 1 learning plan link:



Please see your seesaw for information about 1:1 student meetings with with tomorrow and Tuesday.