中秋節/节 Round Party in Mandarin class

Dear students and parents,

Below are the pictures taken in Mandarin class for the Moon Festival celebration.

The Moon Festival is another big event for Chinese people. It’s just like the western Thanksgiving Day. Today in Mandarin class, the students are very happy and excited about the first party they have in the new school year.

They enjoyed round fruits and round snacks since “round” is the symbolization of reunion and happiness. Hopefully your family will also have a good time together.

I am very glad to share the following fantastic pictures with you all.


Hsu Laoshi

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Annual Chinese Calligraphy Week

Dear all,

In order to help students to know more about traditional culture, and to experience the practice of Chinese Calligraphy,

Intermediate Mandarin curriculum has designed and created the opportunity for one week long per school year. Please come and see how engaged they are in the class and how interested and concentrated they are to hold the brush and to well control hand’s movement. They followed the teacher’s instructions to keep their writing in good shape and in balance in order to show the beauty of Calligraphy.

You are all welcome to come to our bulletin boards on 3F to appreciate their art work. You should be very proud of their presentation and performance. Other than this, they also have completed the year project about the theme, Year of Monkey for the Chinese New Year. Students’ excellent projects have been posted along the stairways. Please find attached their amazing outcome.

We are going to prepare for an action song for the big celebration of Chinese New Year on Wednesday morning, Feb. 3. Look forward to seeing you there to join us the cultural event and to give our children the best support and encouragement.



Hsu Laoshi

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Gr.7 Sheep/Goat Year Projects

Dear parents and students,

I would like to invite you to view some attached fantastic year projects. These students follow instructions to meet the requirements listed the criteria. Also, they follow the planned schedule to complete them. There are other impressive art work in each class.

I am planning to post them out around our school building including two Mandarin bulletins and the wall along the stairs. It will be part of the Chinese New Year decoration. You are all very welcome to come for a visit. Hope you enjoy it.

Wish you a blessing and abundant year!

Hsu Laoshi

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Gr.6 Sheep/Goat Year Projects

Dear parents and students,

I would like to invite you to view some attached fantastic year projects. These students follow instructions to meet the requirements listed the criteria. Also, they follow the planned schedule to complete them. There are other impressive art work in each class.

I am planning to post them out around our school building including two Mandarin bulletins and the wall along the stairs. It will be part of the Chinese New Year decoration. You are all very welcome to come for a visit. Hope you enjoy it.

Wish you a blessing and abundant year!

Hsu Laoshi

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Gr.5 Sheep/Goat Year Projects

Dear parents and students,

I would like to invite you to view some attached fantastic year projects. These students follow instructions to meet the requirements listed the criteria. Also, they follow the planned schedule to complete them. There are other impressive art work in each class.

I am planning to post them out around our school building including two Mandarin bulletins and the wall along the stairs. It will be part of the Chinese New Year decoration. You are all very welcome to come for a visit. Hope you enjoy it.

Wish you a blessing and abundant year!

Hsu Laoshi

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Gr.4 Sheep/Goat Year Projects

 Dear parents and students,

I would like to invite you to view some attached fantastic year projects. These students follow instructions to meet the requirements listed the criteria. Also, they follow the planned schedule to complete them. There are other impressive art work in each class.

I am planning to post them out around our school building including two Mandarin bulletins and the wall along the stairs. It will be part of the Chinese New Year decoration. You are all very welcome to come for a visit. Hope you enjoy it.

Wish you a blessing and abundant year!

Hsu Laoshi

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“Forbidden-City 中國紫禁城”‎ Exhibition in Art Gallery, Vancouver from Oct 18, 2014 to Jan. 11, 2015

Dear parents and students,

It will be nice to plan a visit on weekend during the period of exhibition starting from this coming Saturday.

There will over one hundred pieces of priceless treasures from Beijing, China. It’s worthy to have a look since there will some topics students are going to learn about China in Gr. 6 and 7. It will be very helpful for you to understand more about Chinese culture, history and heritage. I would like to attach some pieces of the marvelous art work related with the exhibition below. Hope you will enjoy it.

Hsu Laoshi

“We all live in the Forbidden City”

Inside the Court of China’s Emperors

website of linkwww.rhfamilyfoundation.org/#!/press/69

2014年10月18日至2015年1月11日,溫哥華美術館將舉辦意義深遠的《紫垣擷珍》——故宮博物院藏明清宮廷生活文物展覽。包括各種稀世珍 寶,如畫卷瓷器、金銀制品和絲綢服裝,同時展出的還有故宮模型和藍圖、皇家宗卷、傳統樂器、天文醫藥史料、歷史照片等等。展覽描繪了500年間的中國歷史 故事,讓人一窺中國皇帝的儀仗節慶、朝廷機構和個人日常的生活。來自北京故宮博物院的藝術品,將啟發觀眾對中國歷史及文化藝術的與理解與欣賞。展覽透過藏於紫禁城的書畫、陶藝、織品、裝飾品和建筑等,訴說皇宮裡的人和事、政府運作、宮廷典章與禮節、以及中國帝王的生活。,同學們在六、七年級都會有機會學習有關中國的主題,若能趁此難得的展覽機會對中國的歷史文化多加了解,一定有很大的助益。下面就讓大家觀賞幾件無價之寶,先一睹為快吧!


同治皇帝登基大典朝袍 Emperor’s Robe





Portrait of Emperor Qianlong in ceremonial robe;ink and colour on silk in Qing dynasty, Qianlong period


Emperor’s ceremonial armour


Symbol of China